Climate Change

Why the chief sustainability officer is becoming more common
Climate Change

Why the chief sustainability officer is becoming more common

This rapidly growing role spans every area of an organization, from corporate strategy to disclosure.

As organizations work toward becoming net zero and meeting the requirements of the Paris Agreement, jobs that help foster corporate sustainability are becoming more common, especially in the financial sector. One such position is the chief sustainability officer (CSO).

Climate right for new ISSB
Climate Change

Climate right for new ISSB

Anne Adrain summarises the latest update from the IFRS Foundation on developments in sustainability reporting.

The IFRS Foundation Trustees (Trustees) took the opportunity during the finance-themed session at the global climate summit, COP26, to announce three significant developments on the future of sustainability standard setting.

why CAS are crucial to the fight against climate change
Climate Change

Why CAs are crucial to the fight against climate change

Anne Adrain, Head of Sustainability and Reporting at ICAS, explains how CAs are crucial to the fight against climate change and why ICAS is committing to net zero.

The arrival of November means the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, better known as COP26, is finally taking place. It couldn’t have come at a more opportune time. August’s IPCC report highlighted the severity of the dangers posed by climate change. If we are unable to limit the rise in global temperatures to 1.5°C, the report states, there will be lasting damage to the planet. For the first time, the IPCC also made explicit the link between climate change and human activity.

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